And, once again, congratulations go out to Dresden: Professor Dr. Karl Leo of the Technical University of Dresden was the recipient of three prestigious honors this year:
He most recently received the European Inventor Prize 2021 for his pioneering work on OLED technology and his lifetime achievements.
At the end of May 2021, he received the Blaise Pascal Medal of the European Academy of Sciences (EURASC). EURASC bestows this medal to honor outstanding and demonstrated personal contributions to science and technology as well as the promotion of excellence in research and education.
In April 2021, Professor Leo became the first German scientist ever to be honored with the Jan Rajchmann Prize of the US Society for Information Display (SID). He received the award for his "seminal work on OLED displays, particularly the introduction of stable and controlled doping to organic semiconductors for highly efficient OLED displays."
Professor Leo and his team have been among the prizewinners of the Deutscher Zukunftspreis since 2011. The German President's Award for Technology and Innovation recognized their successful research in the field of organic semiconductors and their corresponding economic implementation.