The Patrons
Klaus Tschira Stiftung

Prof. Dr. Rafael Lang
Managing Director of the Klaus Tschira Stiftung
“From its founding the Klaus Schira Foundation has considered itself a builder of bridges – it is part of our DNA. We build bridges between the natural sciences, mathematics and computer science; bridges between science communication, education and research; bridges between peoples of diverse backgrounds, with different experiences and different states of knowledge.
We aspire to think and sponsor outside the box motivated by that which drives research: human inquisitiveness and perseverance. We at the foundation have seen it as our duty for more than 25 years to recognize potential, raise treasures of knowledge and enable them to develop.
It is this mindset that also influences our commitment to basic research. It is not initially about its practical application, but recognition and understanding as values in and of themselves. Only then do applications evolve in a creative and sometimes chaotic process that can be fruitful economically and for society. We want to create a space for this power and serendipity with our sponsorship, supporting the outstanding innovative work and research that distinguishes the Deutscher Zukunftspreis from all others: the connection of scientific excellence with the benefit for society. Bridging this gap is something that fits in very well with who we are and that is why we are happy to support it.”