The Patrons
Dr. Jürgen Müller
Chief Innovation Officer and Executive Board Member Technology and Innovation, SAP SE
“The name of the Deutscher Zukunftspreis says it all. It honors outstanding scientific innovations in the technology sector which have the potential to help the world run better and improve people's lives. This purpose is firmly anchored in SAP's corporate philosophy and thus a motivational force behind innovations for the good of our customers and society.
In virtually no other sector are businesses so closely connected as in information technology. Intelligent technologies and platforms are these days a cornerstone of the enduring success for companies of all sizes and industries. In the digital world, innovations will only be successful in the future if academia and businesses cooperate beyond the confines of companies, countries and industries.
Strong science is the future of our society. It sparks ideas through research and education, promotes young talent and thereby guarantees the expertise in our country for the long term. A strong economy is the backbone of science and provides the next generation the freedom to put ideas and knowledge into practice - whether in established businesses or young start-ups.
As a global IT company headquartered in Germany, SAP is the world's largest providers of enterprise application software and thus one of the flagships of German engineering. To preserve this ability and knowledge, to promote and to expand them continually within a network of partnerships and industry collaboration is an inherent part of our innovation strategy. From research and development centers around the world to support for start-ups to talent development and the transfer of knowledge at colleges and universities - our engineers and developers are globally and fully networked.
The desire for positive change, the identifying of solutions and their successful implementation are what drive society forward. SAP’s five founders started in 1972 with courage, expertise, skill and the perseverance to turn their ideas into reality. The Deutscher Zukunftspreis, the German President's Award for Innovation in Science and Technology, honors these same virtues. For more than 20 years the Deutscher Zukunftspreis has honored those who have combined their creativity with the necessary entrepreneurial spirit: the talent of today are the role models of tomorrow.”