September 15, 2021
The activities surrounding the announcing of the short list for the Deutscher Zukunftspreis 2021 are scheduled. The Office of the Federal President will announce the nominated teams this year at 11:00 a.m. on September 15, 2021 at the Deutsches Museum in Munich.
On the evening of September 15, 2021 starting at 6:00 p.m. the teams will provide the first in-depth presentations of the innovations as part of the series "Wissenschaft für jedermann" [Science for everyone]. Both events can be watched via live stream on the channels of the Deutscher Zukunftspreis and the Deutsches Museum.
November 17, 2021
Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier will announce the jury's decision on November 17, 2021 and present the Deutscher Zukunftspreis, the German President's Award for Technology and Innovation 2021 to the winning team. The gala awards ceremony in Berlin can be seen on November 17, 2021 starting at 6:00 p.m. as a live stream; German television station ZDF will broadcast the event starting at 22:15 p.m. on ZDF.
Outlook 2022
Submissions are already being taken for the Deutscher Zukunftspreis 2022, and institutions entitled to nominate candidates, specifically Germany's major scientific and economic organizations, are called to propose and look for innovative projects.
This extended period is needed for internal coordination as well as for the intense selection and review process of the possible proposals. Submissions are then passed on to the jury at the end of January 2022 and the multi-stage selection process begins.
Further information about the call for proposals can be found here.